Monday Morning Satsang at PPY

Morning Satsang

Every Monday morning from 7:30 – 8:30am

At Pleasure Point Yoga, Santa Cruz

Free and open to all!

Pleasure Point Yoga’s Monday morning Satsang is a unique (and free) opportunity to delve deeper into the esoteric teachings of Yoga in the company of one another. It is a great introduction for anyone who is curious to learn more, and an open invitation to revisit and share in the supported space of the Sangha as we deepen our practice.

We are currently finishing a review of Book One (through I.34) to integrate and will be diving back into Book Two in early November. it is a great time for newcomers. Sherry Cassedy will be leading through November 20, and then Aerielle Webber will lead through December 18. Join us.

“Satsang” is a Sanskrit word derived from “sat”, meaning truth, and “sanga”, meaning community. In Satsang, we gather together, in community to seek truth or, more simply, to be with the truth. We create the space with chanting, light, and intention, gentle rituals that help us to dedicate this hour to our study and practice and to one another.

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