Halloween’s Eve Special Satsang

UnMasking The Truth of Who We Are

Monday, October 30th, 7:15 – 8:30pm

At Pleasure Point Yoga, Santa Cruz, CA

Halloween fun includes playing with masks and costumes to change or disguise ourselves. In this pre-Hallow’s Eve Satsang, we will explore the everyday masks we wear that hide our true identity, even from ourselves.   What are the masks we wear and why? Who are we really? How do we know the truth of who we are?

Sherry Cassedy will draw on Yogic wisdom to explore these questions engaging students with self-exploration and discussion, closing with pranayama and meditation.

We hope this evening Satsang will allow students who are unable to join Sherry’s regular Monday morning Satsang at PPY, an opportunity to come together in community to explore the natural connections between our experience, the world around us and the worlds within. Come dive in!

Free and open to all; No prior study required.


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